Monday, November 29, 2010


Today's gift, Kimo in bloom next to Consuallo Hibiscus. yellow gold, orange red rim, pin-wheel edges, beautiful spicy scent.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hibiscus Consualla

Just open today! Scrumptious!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


It's worth waiting for, the yellow rose scent plumeria is a seedling of Vera Cruze Luteca with 4new tips!
Today's weighty SiamRed in fullbloom.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Butterfly Ginger

It's so beautiful, and so so fragrant.
At its best.


Siam Red still in full bloom.
Celadine perfumed the whole house.


Orange, a new addition.
Bicolor cutting obtain last year.
This pink is beautiful in this cool weather, deepen into a cool red in the summer.


In this greenhouse, we house the figlets.
first year cuttings.


Night temperature dropped, all tropical are in this little greenhouse (10x10)
Nightblooming Cereus.
Ratail cactus.
Jasmine de Sambac.
Pandora Vine.
Angel Wing Begona.
Night blooming jasmine.
Hoya carnosa.
Blue Bird Of Paradise.
Angel Wing Jasmine.
Pakalan Vine.
Meyer Lemon.
Kaffir Lime, Tangerine, and an Orange tree. The Brug a still in bloom. And bunches of Vera Cruze plumeria seedlings. The greenhouse is totally fragrant!

Water Fountain.

Excavated the soil, still not quite level, but I'm not known for my patient.
All are found found objects except the water feature is a flower pot, from the local nursery.
Surrounding with rocks I picked on the Hampton beach, NH where I used to live.
Seashell I picked on Hallandale Beach, Florida, our frequent vacation spot.


Summer's gone.
my beloved cat Jean-Claude passed-away in August, it was a very difficult time.
slowly...but I am back to painting, almost every day now.
I laid JC in my garden closed to the spot where we sit everyday.